Year 1

Key Stage

Bluebell & Poppy

Evie Carlberg and Victoria Manger
Welcome To Our Year One Page
Here you can find our Yearly Overview as well as our Termly Newsletters and End of Year Expectations in Maths, Reading and Writing. We will also post any upcoming events and any other relevent information you may need to know.
Please feel free to get in touch and ask any questions. We want your child’s year in Year 1 to be as successful and happy as it can be and we know it can be a daunting time for parents too, so we are always here to help.
Key Information:
Reading and Reading Records | Tuesdays and Fridays | Reading is the foundation to all learning, and in Year 1, the magic really happens! Please try and encourage your child to read to you every single day We check the diaries on a Tuesday and Friday so it is essential they are in on these days. |
Homework | Due in on Tuesdays | Homeork is given out once a week on a Wednesday. It usually consists of a maths, phonics and tricky words activity. |
Forest School | Thursdays | Forest Schools is on a Thursday in the Autumn Term only. This Year Poppy Class have it the first half of the autumn term (September – October) and Bluebell Class have it the second half (November – December). |
PE | Mondays and Wednesdays | Children are to come into school wearing their PE kits. Please ensure that long hair is tied back, and any earrings to be removed (or taped over) before coming into school. |