The Arunside School PTA is a group of volunteer parents and teachers who arrange and run fundraising events throughout the school year. We raise money that is used to buy equipment and support the school in providing the best possible experiences for children at Arunside.
PTA Committee Members
Chairman | Beckie Bassett-Payne |
Treasurer | Amy Custy |
Secretary | Bernadett Toth-Ver |
Teacher reps | Lucy O’Pray and Evie Carlberg |
Committee Members | Carly O’Halloran, Costanza Bellingeri, Andrea Bolt, Steve Rowley, Clare Bradford, Kinga Curtis, Anna Conley, Amanda Hayley, Phil Reich, Mark Howe, Siobhan Mansfield, Nikki Fletcher |
Get Involved!
Please feel free to get in touch with any of us if you have questions, ideas, or want to get involved. We always welcome new helpers, whether you are baking a cake or organising a fete! Any time you can spare us is very much appreciated.
Please chat to us on the playground at drop off/pick up, contact us through the school office or email us at pta@arunside.school
How is PTA money spent?
All of the money you help us raise is used to pay for educational school trips, learning aids for the classrooms, and fun events for the children to enjoy. In the last year we have funded some wonderful experiences and equipment including; the Christmas Pantomime , new staging equipment, library furniture, kindles, KS2 books, and a water tray for Year R.
Most recently we have bought new laptops for use in the classroom, and are aiming to buy enough IPads to enable the children to use one each, rather than sharing.
We also contribute to the cost of nearly all school trips – ensuring that the expense for parents remain as low as possible.
Other ways to help raise funds
Reduce the risk of your child’s belongings making their way to lost property by identifying them with sticky labels – they can be stuck on everything from uniforms, shoes and stationery, to lunchboxes and water bottles!
Place your order online online via www.MyNametags.com using the School ID 35277, and My Nametags will donate 24% of every order to our school!
Gift Aid
The PTA operates as a registered charity – number 1010274.
As such, we can claim Gift Aid on some of the money we raise. Gift Aid is a Government run scheme that allows us to claim back tax on certain. All you need to do to is complete the Gift Aid section of any paperwork for events such as the Sponsored Spell. It will not cost you any money.
In addition to this, we also have an arrangement with an organisation called Easyfundraising (EFR). They operate a website through which you make any online purchases that you were going to make anyway, but the PTA also gets a small percentage of that purchase price of whatever you buy back from the retailer concerned.
Remember – This is a donation from the retailer, and will in no way increase the cost of the item to you.
All you need to do is create a free account with EFR first, so that they know who you are supporting and where to send the money to! The PTA will even get £1 when you join up! From then on, whenever you go online to make a purchase from a major retailer, you simply open up the EFR site first and then shop on your intended site from there.
There are a huge number of major retailers signed up to this including: Ebay, Amazon, John Lewis, Groupon, Argos, Waitrose, Tesco, Travelodge, Sports Direct, Boots, M&S Currys, thetrainline.com, Bonmarche, Apple.
Find a full list of organisations involved here.
This site has raised over £700 for us so far.
It is easy and safe to use so why not give it a go?
If you shop on Amazon, be sure to visit www.smile.amazon.co.uk and select “Arunside Parent Teacher Association” as your chosen charity. You can also activate Amazon Smile in your mobile app, just go to your Settings, select AmazonSmile and search for “Arunside Parent Teacher Association”.
For the latest PTA news and events, please visit the PTA FaceBook page:
Second-Hand Uniform
Our second-hand uniform sales are run each month by Mrs Hadden on the playground (or in the ICT suite if it is wet) from either 8.30 – 8.45am or 3.00 – 3.45pm. Money raised through these sales will help support our children’s education and any lost property items remaining at the end of each half-term will be donated through our charity collections. Please feel free to take a look in the lost property boxes at the end of the school day if your child has sadly lost any items . Donations of good quality second-hand uniform are gratefully received and these items can be left in the white collection bin in the entrance foyer.