The wearing of school uniform ensures that all our children feel they belong to the school community. We seek the full co-operation of all parents/carers in supporting this.
Winter | Summer |
Grey School Trousers | Grey School Shorts |
Navy Blue School Sweatshirt | Navy Blue School Sweatshirt |
KS1 – School Polo Shirt | Key Stage 1 – School Polo Shirt |
KS2 – White School Shirt and Tie | Key Stage 2 – White School Shirt (short- sleeved) and Tie |
Sensible black plain school shoes (no trainers) | Sensible black plain school shoes or sandals (no trainers) |
Winter | Summer |
Grey School Skirt/Pinafore/Trousers | Blue and White Gingham Dress |
Navy Blue School Sweatshirt | Navy Blue School Sweatshirt/Cardigan |
KS1 – School Polo Shirt | |
KS2 – White School Shirt and Tie | |
Sensible black plain school shoes (no trainers or high heels) | Sensible black plain school shoes or sandals (no trainers or high heels) |
PE / Games Kit
- On P.E. days, children in Year R-4 should arrive at school wearing their P.E. Kit. They need to be dressed sensibly for P.E.
- House coloured P.E. T-shirts should be worn with navy shorts by all children. EYFS children can wear a plain white T-shirt with navy shorts whilst they are being allocated to their House at the start of the academic year.
- Suitable footwear is very important. All children need black plimsolls and should have strong trainers or football boots for certain outdoor activities. Trainers worn for P.E. activities should not be worn as part of the child’s uniform.
- Children are allowed to wear navy blue jogging pants for outdoor games and when it is cold, a plain navy sweatshirt and/or a navy logoed hoodie or zoodie.
- Children in Year 5&6 will need a pump bag so PE kits can be left in school as they will change from their school uniform into their PE kit on the relevant days
Where To Buy
Our logoed school uniform and book bags can be purchased from:
- Sussex Uniforms
- Tel: 01403 330218
- E-Mail: horsham.shop@monkhouse.com
- Address: Sussex Uniforms, 8 Bishopric, Horsham, RH12 1QR (View Google Map)
Non-logoed uniform can be purchased from stores of preference.
School ties are available to purchase through the School Office.
From time to time, the PTA hold second-hand uniform sales. Detail available from the school office.
Children are not allowed to wear items of jewellery at school, although discretion is given to respect religious observance provided prior permission has been given by the headteacher. The school strongly discourages ear-piercing but those children who have their ears pierced during a school year will be permitted to wear ear-studs for the first six-weeks after piercing provided these are worn flat to the ear. For health and safety reasons, all jewellery, including ear-rings, must be removed before PE lessons and the school cannot be held responsible for any loss or accidental damaged incurred to these items. Ear-rings worn for piercings that are less that six-weeks old must be covered by a plaster/ micro-porous tape (provided by parents) for all PE lessons.
Other Notes
- Please mark ALL clothing in permanent pen or with name tags clearly showing your child’s name.