Year 6

Key Stage

Rowan and Lime

Kylee Phillips and Elliot Boyd

Welcome to Year 6!
On this page, you will find key information about the year group.
Year 6 – Curriculum Overview
Please see our Curriculum Overview below. Please note some areas are subject to change.
Year 6 – End of Year Expectations
Please find below the End of Year Expectations for Reading, Writing and Maths. These are the objectives the children need to learn in order to reach the expected standard.
Residential Trip – Marchants Hill
In July 2025, our Year 6 children will have the opportunity to go on a residential trip to PGL’s Marchants Hill – details of the trip can be found here:
Wednesday and Friday for both classes. Please ensure your child’s PE kit is named. They can bring it to school on a Monday, leave it here for the week and then take it home on Friday to be washed.
Homework is sent home on a Wednesday and is due in by the following Monday.
Homework Club is available to all Year 6s on Friday lunchtime.
Termly Letters
Please find below our termly letter to parents, explaining everything you need to know about each term in Year 6.