Year 2

Key Stage

Clover and Dandelion

Lucy O’Pray and Ruth McGeown

Welcome to Year Two 2024-2025
Key Y2 Information: | |
Clover PE – Monday and Thursday in Autumn 2. | Dandelion PE – Monday and Thursday in Autumn 2. |
Clover Forest School – Tuesday in Autumn 2. | Dandelion Forest School – Wednesday in Autumn 2. |
Please read daily with your child and please send in both their reading books and Reading Records each day.
Y2 Homework is sent home electronically on Wednesdays and due back on Mondays.
Here you will find information about Clover and Dandelion classes. We aim to keep electronic copies of key documents and regular photo updates on this page. We look forward to sharing lots of exciting learning, news and events with you.