Please take a look at the Arunside Pastoral Team Handbook as it details the extensive group of staff that enable us to offer children, staff and families support for emotional health and well-being.
Further information can be found in our:

West Sussex County Council are currently providing two popular courses to support children, young people, and their parents/carers to help them face mental health challenges. further details are shown in the two flyers below:
Healthy Eating
Recent research from Leeds University found that only one in five children had any vegetables or salad in their packed lunch. So as part of Veg Power’s mission to encourage the children of the UK to eat more veg, they would like to make it easier for parents and carers to add more veg to children’s lunchboxes. As such they have developed a ’60 Second Lunchbox Hacks’ PDF which features easy-to-implement ideas and serves to make this task as simple as possible. We hope parents and carers find the attached useful:
Five Minutes of Calm with Elaine
Elaine, our school counsellor invites you all to take some moments of calm. Please enjoy the following sessions that she has put together for you and your families: