Arunside Eco-Agents are children who appreciate our planet and work conscientiously to improve the environment of our school community. These Eco-Agents are dedicated and enthusiastic individuals who’s daily work recovers and develops the school’s way for better sustainability.
The Eco-Agents are elected at the beginning of each academic year by their peers and are represented by two children from each class in the KS2 and KS1. Our Agents are Co-ordinated by Mrs Kalinka and Mrs Chaffe. They meet twice a term to discuss all the Rs related to the care of our environment.
After each meeting the Agents take the discussion and suggestions back to their class for whole school understanding and participation.
In 2021/22, we focussed our discussions around the effect of one-use plastic in our community.
In 2022/23, we raised awareness of the devastating impact of fast fashion on our planet, mainly affecting the poorer nations.
This year (2024), we are joining forces with different members of our community, environmental communicators and trusts; to stop Food waste and its shocking impact on the environment.
So far the Eco Agents have:
- Devised an Eco Code
- Participated in local ecological competitions
- Launched an annual School Eco Day:
- 2022 – we brought awareness to one single use plastic.
- 2023 – Our focus was Fast Fashion.
- 2024 – We were ‘fighting’ against Food Waste. We had special guests from Sussex Green Living and Young people’s trust for the environment (YPTE).
- Created a daily rota to compost all fruit and vegetables waste from classrooms and lunch hall.
- Found ways to upcycle unusable pencils, yogurt pots, yogurt lids and old book covers.
- Created an agent rota to Return, Re-use or Recycle old school stationary.
- Taught students how to carry out litter picking duties on the school’s yard and field.
- Participated with celebrations during Fairtrade Fortnight
- Helped and motivated the school’s community (and neighbours) to recycle batteries. You may check Duracell’s Big Battery Hunt where we are often seen on the top 6 schools.
- Worked hard to bring awareness about the issues discussed at school; we sold plants, waste art and second-hand uniforms at our school’s summer fete.

Our plans now are to:
- Find better ways to be closer to a sustainable school.
- Create a link with other schools
- Connect and help the local community
- Link environmental awareness to many subjects of the curriculum