Please refer to our SEND and Local Offer page of the website for our SEND policy , SEND Information Report and SENDCo contact details.

What does inclusive provision look like at Arunside School?
At Arunside, we respect and value each child as an individual, nurturing them to achieve high standards whilst becoming independent and successful learners. Every child brings to school their own unique identity and character, requiring our teaching and learning to be adaptive and responsive to their needs through the quality first inclusive practice in our classrooms. Sometimes, children will come to school requiring additional support for their cognition and learning, communication and interaction, social, emotional and mental health (SEMH), sensory of physical needs and we may need to adapt our provision to support this in a variety of ways.
Wave 1 Provision (Quality First Teaching) is the provision that is universal for all students. It takes into account the learning needs of all the children in the classroom. This includes providing adaptive and responsive teaching and learning opportunities and creating an inclusive learning environment. The majority of students needs will be met through this provision which includes high quality teaching and learning for all pupils. All teaching staff actively use the West Sussex Ordinarily Available Inclusive Practice guidance to inform their approaches to supporting children with SEND through quality first teaching.
Our Wave One Offer:
At Arunside School we strive for all children to make good progress and have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. Our pupils are taught by fully qualified teachers and there are well trained teaching assistants to support pupils across the whole school. Our Wave 1 provision is constantly evolving and staff strive for exciting and stimulating ways to engage pupils in their learning. Some examples of the Quality First Teaching provided at Arunside are outlined below.
Delivery of the curriculum
Pupils will have access to:
- a modern, spacious, purpose built learning environment
- a fully qualified and dedicated teaching staff
- high quality Teaching Assistants deployed across the school
- a Senior Leadership Team committed to improving outcomes for all pupils
- ‘Insight’ assessment system to track individual attainment and progress
- exciting and creative topics that enable cross curricular learning
- carefully planned lessons, adapted to meet the needs of the children in class
- a well-resourced library (including Kindles), ICT suite, music and food technology room
- a range of good quality, age appropriate classroom resources
- an extensive outdoor space including field and ball courts
- class IPads
- challenge areas in every classroom
Enrichment activities
Pupils will have access to:
- weekly whole school, singing and celebration assemblies
- opportunities to perform in class assemblies, plays and concerts
- a range of before, during and after school interest clubs
- Forest School sessions
- Drama lessons
- Whole class music tuition e.g. ukulele and djembe drumming
- themed days and weeks e.g. Book Week, Roman day, Eco day
- day trips and residential stays to compliment the curriculum
- visitors and coaches e.g. PE specialists
- extra musical opportunities e.g. learning an instrument
- weekly family reading sessions in EYFS and KS1
- supporting a range of charities
- a breakfast and afterschool club for working parents
- opportunity to represent the Student Council and Eco Agents in KS1 and KS2
- opportunity to become a librarian, school ambassador and digital leader in KS2
Wave 2 (Targeted) Provision is additional, time-limited provision, normally in the form of small-group interventions to accelerate progress and enable students to work at age-related expectations. Wave 2 interventions are not primarily for students with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) and students do not have to be on the SEND Code of Practice in order to access these. These provisions will be put in place following careful analysis of progress data and/or teacher identification. Interventions are time bound and pupil progress is assessed regularly to ensure their needs are met and targets reviewed. Interventions could be for short or medium term periods and this is assessed on a child by child basis, ensuring that time out of class is minimised and children are participating in quality first teaching wherever possible.
Our Wave Two Offer:
At Arunside School we may feel that a child, or group of children, may benefit from Wave 2 intervention. A fully qualified SENDCo supports staff with identifying and planning for school based intervention. A range of the following could be taking place at any time over the academic year:
- small group English support (phonics, spelling, handwriting)
- small group maths support
- My Letters and Sounds Phonic programme
- speech and language e.g. Nelli, Narrative Therapy, Barrier Games, speech sound work
- gross motor program e.g. Jump Ahead, Write Dance
- fine motor program e.g. Write from the Start, Dough gym
- Lego Therapy
- Attention Autism
- SEND cooking/life-skills group
- English as an Additional Language Support e.g. Racing into English
- more-able/gifted and talented enrichment
- immediate maths and English catch up in response to marking
- Social and emotional support e.g. Play Therapy, social skills, family Early Help Plans, ELSA
- Informal diagnostic screens e.g. GL & Wesford Dyslexia screen, Sandwell Maths, speech and language
- Tanbridge Ambassadors scheme
All of the above will be delivered by a teacher, Teaching Assistant, HLTA or Learning Support Assistant who is experienced in delivering these interventions, supported by the school SENDCo.
Wave 3 (Personalised) Provision is specific, targeted intervention for students with SEND who are identified as requiring further additional support. This will be put in place when Quality First Teaching and Targeted Provision are not, on their own, enabling the student to make appropriate progress. Wave 3 describes targeted provision for a minority of children where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to accelerate progress or enable children to achieve their potential.
Our Wave Three Offer:
At Arunside School we strive for all pupils to make good progress regardless of their starting points. Where Wave 1 and 2 provision is not fully meeting a child’s needs, further exploration may be sought from outside agencies. Advice from the Learning Behaviour Advisory Team (LBAT), Autism and Social Communication Team (ASCT), Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), Educational Psychologists (EP), Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS), school nursing and paediatricians may be needed to enable school to develop appropriate targets for pupils. Individual Learning Plans will be tailored to the pupils on a needs basis. Over time at Wave 3, it may be considered appropriate to gather evidence for an Education, Health and Care Plan if one is not already in place.
Please be aware that this outline of provision reflects our current intake of students. Wave 2 and 3 provision will vary and depend on the student intake, staffing and resources available year on year.