Enrichment Local Area




1. Intent

At Arunside our intent is to use the local area, alongside community organisations who can share knowledge and skills by visiting school, to offer children a wide range of exciting learning opportunities and enrich their primary curriculum. All year groups plan to bring life into the curriculum and inspire children through visits and visitors where possible.
2. Implementation

Visits and visitors are timetabled throughout EYFS to Year 6 to compliment topics and specific curriculum areas being taught. During every school year whole school learning is also enhanced by relevant visits from scientists, authors, actors, athletes to name but a few. Below are some examples;
Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer | |
EYFS | Visits from the emergency services, dental nurse and a visit to the local library. | Local farm visit Local walks Zoo lab | |
Year 1 | Visit Hever castle Visits from Horsham sports development; fencing/archery | Horsham museum palaeontologist visit | Local dance workshop |
Year 2 | Great fire of London theatre workshop | Local hedgehog rescue centre visit and Huxley’s bird of prey centre | Visit to seaside |
Year 3 | Visit Butser historical farm Local church visit | Planetarium visit | Local country dancing festival |
Year 4 | Warnham nature reserve, Horsham town and park walk, local church visit, drumming lessons | Horsham museum and Roman theatre workshop | 2 day enrichment visit |
Year 5 | Visit Leeds castle Local church visit | Local orienteering | Locality music festival |
Year 6 | Memorial service in local town, railway workshop and evacuee day. Local church visit | Junior citizen workshop | PGL residential visit |
3. Impact

Visits to and visitors from the local area, offer pupils a unique cultural learning experience. They allow pupils to be involved in new environments, key to encouraging curiosity about a given subject. They are also valuable to help children understand the world and their place in it.
The knowledge and skills that the pupils develop, alongside their progress made, is evidenced by observations and pupil voice.