Our curriculum intent for every child
At Arunside School we deliver an inspiring and creative curriculum which enriches children’s knowledge, skills and enthusiasm. We ensure that all areas of the curriculum are underpinned with the teaching of the school’s vision and values.
Through this, our aim is to inspire the next generation, thus allowing pupils to reach their full potential as local, national and global citizens. Our broad and balanced curriculum provides opportunities for all children to access learning that is adapted to their needs, builds on prior learning and provides every child with meaningful experiences to create life long memories. Progression and continuity are carefully planned for, focusing on key knowledge and skills for each year group in each subject that builds on prior knowledge.
Through our unique Building Learning Power characters we also ensure that pupils have an excellent understanding of learning skills that underpin a metacognitive approach rooted in evidence based research.
We fulfill the requirements of the National Curriculum, as well as providing additional enrichment experiences and extra-curricular opportunities for our pupils. Our curriculum provision is mapped to meet the needs of our children, the local area and the school community.
We endeavour that pupils develop a range of skills and knowledge; through a range of formative assessment techniques that are used to identify gaps, to tailor support and find opportunities for stretch and challenge.
We believe that our curriculum prepares our young learners for the next phase in their education journey; whilst also nurturing the whole child to develop positive mental health, to cope with life’s opportunities and challenges now and into the future. The learning and well-being of each individual is paramount; reaching their full potential is fundamental to all that we do and our children leave us as confident and articulate life-long learners.

Yearly Topics 2024 – 2025
Autumn | Spring | Summer | |
Year R | All about me, Celebrations | Our Wonderful World, People who help us in our community | Fairy Tales, The great outdoors |
Year 1 | Our School | Castles, Kings and Queens | All around the world |
Year 2 | Fire and ice | Kenya, Historical Horsham – local study | The Seaside, Victorians |
Year 3 | Ancient Egypt | Stone Age to Iron Age | Rainforests |
Year 4 | Rivers and mountains | Romans | Horsham – local study, Ancient Greece. |
Year 5 | London, Monarchs and Democracy | Anglo-Saxons and Vikings | Marvellous Maps |
Year 6 | WWII | Crime and Punishment | Save our Planet |
The Curriculum and your child

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (Year R)
This cover the seven areas of learning:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the World
- Expressive arts and design

The National Curriculum
Foundation Subjects:
- Design Technology
- Music
- Art
- Physical Education
- History
- Geography
- Modern Foreign Language
Core Subjects:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Computing

Assessment and Monitoring Children’s Progress
We use a variety of formative and statutory assessment strategies to monitor the progress of each child as they move through the school. This ensures that children are given learning opportunities that build on their existing knowledge and skills. Built into our assessment programme are meetings with parents and pupils in the Autumn and Spring Terms and an annual written report in the Summer Term. Parents are always welcome to make an appointment to discuss their child’s progress at any time during the school year.
Statutory Assessments:
- EYFS – Good Level of Development (GLD)
- Y1 – Phonics screening check
- Y2 – End of phase Statutory Assessment Tests (KS1 SATs)
- Y4 – Multiplication Check (MTC)
- Y6 – End of phase Statutory Assessment Tests (KS2 SATs)

Children are encouraged to read regularly at home and to develop spellings and multiplication tables knowledge. Children are set homework through a range of online platforms such as TTRockstars, MyMaths, PurpleMash and Discovery Education as well written work. Each term they will be asked to complete a ‘take home’ task, which is an extended piece of work, as an opportunity for them to consolidate class learning in their own creative style.
Extra Curricular Activities
We encourage the children to participate in activities outside school hours to extend their experiences. School staff and specialist provision provide a variety of activities.

Enrichment opportunities
Our Curriculum is enriched further through specialist provision of Forest Schools and high quality drama lessons and productions. Children experience exciting and enriching educational activities in order to enhance their learning further. These may include:
- Trips, excursions and residentials
- special themed weeks and days
- a wide range of after school clubs
- visitors to school for example: historians, artists, natural historians, scientists and engineers
- opportunities to work with local primary and secondary schools
- stretch and challenge activities
- locality sporting competitions.
- virtual remote learning experiences such as explorers and authors.

Still Want To Know More?
If you can’t find the curriculum information that you’re looking for, or want to find out more about our curriculum, please speak to your teacher, or another member of staff.